Blue Rooster Ranch Hog Hunt Raffle


Tickets – $20 each / only 60 will be sold.

Raffle results are posted on the Raffle Results Page


Out of stock

SKU: Blue Rooster Ranch <300lbs hog Hunt 001 Category: Tag:


Hog Hunt

If you love to hunt, come to the Blue Rooster Hunting Ranch!

Let’s go hunt a Hog in Northeastern Arizona. This is a one-day hunt at Blue Rooster Ranch for a 300lb or less hog and includes the $75 GSQ (gutting, skinning, quartering). The buyer can upgrade to a larger hog at the ranch. Lodging can be added at $75 per night and Non Hunters are $100, including lodging.

No license or tag required.

More Information: Blue Rooster Ranch