Elk Call Package Raffle


Tickets – $10 ea / only 40 will be sold.

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SKU: Elk Call Package Raffle 001 Category: Tag:


Enchantress Collection

The complete elk calling system combines simplicity and unbeatable sound in this easy-to-use cow call and attachable bugle tube — complete with a paracord strap and 1 back up reed.
Collection includes:
– Enchantress External Elk Call (1): The most realistic sounding push elk call on the market. 5.76 oz
– Swagger Bugle Tube (1): Covered in Kryptek’s Altitude camo, this tube attaches to the Enchantress cow call for bugles and lip bawl bugles. 9.05 oz
– Bugle Tube Strap (1): Connects to any bugle tube. This 50″ strap is built to last with military-grade paracord. 2.3 oz
– Enchantress Cow Call Replacement Reed (1): Easy and fast to change out.

Elk Reel Cow Elk Call – Hardwood

– No gag mouth calls
– So easy a young child can play it. Promotes confidence in your calling. Extremely variable for experienced hunters
– Based on our patented widely acclaimed patented hinging call design
– Can be used hands free in your teeth or hand operated
– A great solution for anyone that cant blow a mouth reed. Use your teeth and hinging jaw motion to produce life like Elk vocalizations. Cow sounds are unrivaled by any other call
– Produces mews, chirps, assembly sounds, estrous or frustrated cow sounds, calf sounds and also bull elk vocalizations
– Proven to drive pressured elk crazy
– Single reed nitrile diaphragm enclosed in our patented hinging Reel design